Wednesday, July 11, 2012

UFO and Moon

Apollo Moon astronauts were often followed to the Moon, at times, by U.F.O.s. Official N.A.S.A. Apollo 12 photograph AS12-497319 clearly Shows a large U.F.O. hovering over an astronaut walking on the Moon.

The government agencies policies of keeping U.F.O.s secret from the general public is well-known and has been well-documented in several books by famous astronomers like J. Allen Hynek (who investigated U.F.O.s for the U.S. Air Force), Major Donald KeyhoeTimothy Good (in his book Above Top Secret), and many other professionals. One unquestionably absolute expert we may want to consult is Christopher Kraft, who was director of the N.A.S.A. tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, when he revealed the following conversation “after” he left his work at N.A.S.A.:
-  ASTRONAUTS NElL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: “Those are giant things. No, no, no .... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!”
-  MISSION CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): “What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What’s wrong with you?”

-  ASTRONAUTS: “They’re here under the surface.”
-  MISSION CONTROL: “What’s there? Emission interrupted... interference control calling Apollo II.”

ASTRONAUTS: “We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments.”
-  MISSION CONTROL: ”Repeat your last information.”

-  ASTRONAUTS: “I say that there were other spaceships. They’re lined up on the other side of the crater.”
-  MISSION CONTROL: “Repeat...repeat!”
-  ASTRONAUTS: “Let us sound this orbita ..... In 625 to 5...automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so badly I can’t do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything... what then?”
-  MISSION CONTROL: “Have you picked up anything?”

-  ASTRONAUTS: “I didn’t have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film.”
-  MISSION CONTROL: “Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the U.F.O.s. over?
-  ASTRONAUTS: “They’ve landed there. There they are and they are watching us.”
-  MISSION CONTROL: “The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?”

-  ASTRONAUTS: “Yes, they’re in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out.”
It is logical that if government agencies keep the existence of U.F.O.s from outer space secret from the public, if they discovered the home of the U.F.O.s that would obviously be secret also, and they would have to release “cover stories” about the Moon to hide the truth. The problem has been that witnesses have “talked” to our Department of interplanetary Affairs.

Among the experts who told us about life on the Moon and the discoveries of the astronauts were:
  • Farida Iskiovet, former U.F.O investigator for the President of the United Nations
  • a mysterious Mr. English who did TOP SECRET photography for N.A.S.A.
  • the moon astronauts:
    • Commander Mark Huber formerly of Naval Intelligence who knew much top secret data
    • Sgt. Willard Wannal (formerly Army Intelligence)
    • Major Wayne S. Aho (formerly Army Intelligence who submitted U.F.O research to Congress)
  • Dr. James Hurrah from the N.A.S.A. space program
  • and others who have secret identities. I personally spoke to all of the above leaks and investigators
Suspicion or interest in life on the Moon grabbed public attention when the inventor of the radio (so credited) Marconi, Tesla publicly reported his experiments in transmitting radio signals to the Moon and attempting to receive answers, which he indeed believed took place. After that, American, British, and French astronomers reported glowing and moving and sometimes even blinking lights on the Moon during the 1920s and 1930s, often reported in local newspapers and scientific journals of those years which can often be found in major libraries. This interest peaked when a respected expert in aerial phenomenon, Pulitzer Prize winning astronomer John O’Neill, publicly reported observing the “bridge” on the Moon that appeared artificially constructed by intelligence. There were other witnesses to the twelve mile long “bridge” which was erected because it was not seen in the same place before, and was later dismantled for unknown reasons (was it too conspicuous?). The bridge sighting occurred in the early 1950s.

Most of the Gemini and Apollo astronauts admitted that they saw U.F.O.s while they were in orbit, particularly Gordon Cooper who publicly admitted he believed they were intelligently controlled craft (we have seen his photos of U.F.O.S). James McDivitt also took U.F.O. photos while orbiting Earth and we have seen these also. One Soviet astronaut mission in the 1960s, designed to set a new record for time in orbit, was mysteriously aborted right after their craft entered space. Private researchers with powerful receiving radio equipment claimed the Soviet cosmonauts were followed into orbit by U.F.O.s, which surrounded them and began bouncing them back and forth as if they were playing a ball game with the Soviet craft. The cosmonauts reportedly panicked and were immediately sent back to Earth.

During the 1950s many U.F.O.S seen over Earth were tracked back to the Moon by government tracking stations in secret complexes in deserts in Arizona and Nevada and inside underground mountain bases. WE HAVE ONE PHOTO OF A SAUCER SHAPED CRAFT HOVERING OVER THE MOON, taken by a civilian astronomer. Sergeant Willard Wannail, who investigated U.F.O. landings on Ohio when in Army Intelligence, showed us an 8 by 10 CLEAR glossy detailed photo of a silvery spaceship hovering directly over a huge Moon landscape, estimated to be several miles long, and said to be CITY-SHIP designed to transport thousands of people between solar systems or galaxies and live for extended periods of time in self-sufficient orbiting communities!

In the 1950s to 1960s more moving, flashing, and stationary lights were seen on the Moon by civilian astronomers, usually inside craters, along with a mysterious glowing cross. Soviet and American spacecraft in orbit over the Moon began to photograph mysterious structures on the Moon which were censored by N.A.S.A. for awhile, yet were obtained by Scientific researchers like Fred Steckling who demanded the evidence from this so-called “civilian agency.” It is amazing how N.A.S.A. released these photos WITHOUT COMMENT! Many of the structures can only be seen when these photos are blown-up to a much larger size.

The U.S. spacecraft RANGER II took over 200 photographs of Moon craters with domes inside. These domes are nothing new. They were reported in the news media by French astronomers about 48 years earlier. 33 Moon dome photos from Lunar Orbitter 2 were released without comment, in Washington D.C., in 1967. On June 1, 1966, N.A.S.A. had admitted to the news media that astronauts had seen U.F.O.S, then later on contradicted themselves by denying it (anyone who saves all official releases on U.F.O.S from agencies will find many contradictory statements to prove a cover-up). That did not stop Astronaut Gordon Cooperfrom his public statement “I believe in extraterrestrial life because I saw a spacecraft” (on his 16th Gemini orbit).

There are also the photos in our files of the “Blair cuspids”, taken by satellites on the Moon showing strange spires that have been found to form perfect geometric patterns. Tall white spires resembling the Washington monument were photographed on the lunar surface, along with mysterious straight roads or tracks that cut through craters, hills, valleys, and rock piles without a twist. Some of the domes had flashing lights. Several N.A.S.A. photos we saw showed long cigar-shaped objects parked on the Moon, which later departed in other photos. We observed one photo of a pyramid like object on the dark side.

THE DARK SIDE is always hidden to our eyes and telescopes on Earth, an obviously perfect place for aliens to construct secret hidden spaceports. A lack of atmosphere is no problem to enclosed domes with artificial environments, which even N.A.S.A admits our scientists have the technology (but not the billions of dollars) to construct, an underground bases with artificial air-conditioning like our military now has on Earth. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell privately told Farida Iskiovet, of our Department of Interplanetary Affairs, that he saw a U.F.O. on the Moon.

In 1978 a mysterious tall, stocky, agent-appearing stereotype man moved to Maui, identified as a Mr. English. I cannot give out his full name. He had a TOP SECRET security clearance from N.A.S.A., and reported to me that he was staff photographer to the Apollo astronauts, had photographed the wreckages and bodies of crashed alien flying discs in a secret Texas Air Force hanger, and had a seen an unidentified spacecraft in flight while with astronauts. He traded U.F.O. data with us and admitted the astronauts have seen alien spacecraft on the Moon, and that our Moon expose’ is true!

There is an unconfirmed report that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the Moon, he immediately saw a transparent etherical being staring at him outside. Welcome to the Moon? N.A.S.A. director Kraft added that there was a public and a secret private A.S.A. radio frequency between Moon and Mission Control and that the conversation above took place during a mysterious two minute interruption in public transmissions. To prove it is the truth, hundreds of independent CIVILIAN radio operators with powerful VHF equipment separately reported hearing the AME spaceship report from the Apollo moon-walkers!

Soviet radio operators also picked it up and published it in Moscow. Another mysterious radio message from the Moon was broadcast on French public television only one time before it was censored AFTER it leaked out. That transmission appeared to be a mysterious clearly spoken ALIEN LANGUAGE. The famous French historian and author Robbert Charroux published the transmission which has been suppressed in the U.S. It came from astronaut Worden who transmitted it to N.A.S.A, and expert linguists have been unable to translate the message.

However, the following PUBLIC RADIO BROADCASTS from the Moon WERE NOT CENSORED:
“The dome-ical structures are partially filled up. Breach has either flowed into these STRUCTURES before they were BUILT or the DOMES are younger than the floor. The area is OVAL or ELLIPTICAL.”
What are these domes and structures that were built? Apollo radio public broadcasts from the Moon also used terms and phrases “FLASHES OF LIGHT”, “BUILDINGS”, “ROADS”, “TRACKS”, and “HUGE BLOCKS.” When news reporters asked space program officials what these terms were all about, they were absurdly told that these are metaphors for geological formations. However, the scientist “who taught geology to the astronauts”, admitted he was totally baffled by those terms! This geology expert, Farouk El Bez admitted the clincher when he said, “Not every discovery has been announced.” When news reporters asked him about the flashes of light, Mr. Bez replied, “there is no question about it. Not natural.”

Astronaut Irwin radioed back to Earth, “that’s the most organized structure I’ve ever seen.” How could the most organized structure Irwin had ever seen be a natural formation? How can geological formations flash on and off.

N.A.S.A. tried to distort the truth by replying volcanic action could cause the flashes, yet in other contradictory statements said there was no volcanic activity observed in those areas. Domes up to 1,500 feet high, taller than our skyscrapers were too high to deny that they were bigger than any building on Earth (miles wide). A radio tower appearing thing was photographed, along with sequences of large moving vehicles leaving tracks in the lunar soil. We have these photo reproductions.

A huge clearly photographed lake, wider than Maui island, was photographed on the hidden back side of the Moon with a spaceport near it (NASA APOLLO 8, with what appears to be a long road in the distance.

Have any of you ever wondered why there have been NO ASTRONAUTS SENT TO THE MOON SINCE 1973!? Why was the Moon program suddenly ended after so much publicized great success? What sense does that make? 17 years of no landings as of this writing. Why did N.A.S.A. scientists and spokesmen of the 1960s brag about how they were going to establish space bases, mining operations, and colonists on the Moon in the 1980s change their plans? The likely excuse is lack of money from Congress, but that was a cover-up.

The Apollo program only cost less than one percent of the budget! Considering the huge billions spent on DEFENSE, the military advantage of having a base on the Moon would be enormous. Why were the American space officials of the 1950s-60s so publicly afraid that the Soviet military might beat America to the Moon to gain a military advantage. So why risk that serious threat by abandoning the Moon flights? And why did the Soviet cosmonauts NEVER land on the Moon?


Could it be that Moon locals kicked us off their world fearing that Americans would exploit and conquer the Moon like we did with the Mexicans in the U.S. deserts, the Hawaiians, and other cultures. And would Moon citizens welcome Soviet Communist dictatorship, military aggression, and slave labor circa 1960s-70s? We doubt it.

N.A.S.A. is passed to the public as a civilian organization, but is it really? It is funded by government controlling the policies by financial pressures. N.A.S.A. directors and astronauts have traditionally been former military officers drawing military pensions, many who own stocks or positions in defense industries as civilians. When in the military they took oaths of secrecy regarding U.F.O.S, subject to U.F.O. secrecy laws like JANAP-146The Code of Federal Regulations title 14 section 1211, and other military laws demanding U.F.O. secrecy for life. Punishments include fines up to $10,000, 10 year jail sentences, persistence harassment, and transfer or confinement to remote inconvenient military stations.

While in the service people who talk too much about U.F.O.S may be court martialled, reduced in rank and pay, and dishonorably discharged, and in retirement they can lose all retirement financial and medical benefits... their income. In all cases they are threatened with confinement to mental institutions and the government agencies WILL PUBLICLY SAY THEY LIED OR SUFFERED FROM HALLUCINATIONS, etc. In cases of high ranking officers or key scientists or N.A.S.A. directors knowing shocking details about alien visitors, these individuals know that they can accidentally and suddenly die with their whole families in “planned” accidental deaths engineered by military intelligence agents.

In extreme cases many were transferred to Vietnam or other foreign war zones, and bombed by American airplanes on purpose to silence them... and blame enemy planes. Some of the M.I.A.S met that fate... or were imprisoned in remote underground bases after they mysteriously disappeared “in action.” NOTE THAT the astronauts who talked about U.F.O.s were all from the era before the first APOLLO Moon landing (1969) before the wall of secrecy was imposed and during the years N.A.S.A. publicly admitted U.F.O. sightings.

Why did N.A.S.A. suddenly change it’s public policy? Was it the Apollo orbit around the Moon that sent back photographs of mining operations, domes, roads, a pyramid, a spaceport (named Luna) and lakes on the hidden dark side of the Moon? Did they fear a possible alien invasion from that base and panic and fear the public would panic? Was it too embarrassing to admit that all the billions of taxpayers dollars spent on the space program was largely wasted because the main goal was to colonize the Moon and we were kicked off that world because “we are screwed-up?” No official wants to admit what corrupt negative folks they are on the six o-clock news, after being told so by aliens!

Why do some of the craters photographed on the Moon have the exact same walls, floors, rims, and other details as atomic bomb craters... and do not geologically look like the other craters formed by meteor impact? The Lamont Observatory and other civilian experts noted that fact.

Why did the N.A.S.A. program land a probe on the Moon, its batteries went out, and it stopped working supposedly forever, and then someone or something mysteriously turned it back on, repaired it, and it began working after a year of silence? When confronted with their photos of domes and roads and other artifacts, why do certain N.A.S.A. spokesmen reply “no comment”, “subject to further analysis”, “not all the discoveries have been announced” and other double-talk to keep them looking clean if the bubble ever bursts big-time?
  • Plate 115, Apollo 16, 16-18918 has to be blown-up to clearly see the large oval-shaped object inside a crater. N.A.S.A. has no scientific explanation for this object that does not fit into the natural terrain.
  • Apollo 13 NASA NO. 13-60-8609 shows a large circular glowing UF.O. hovering over a very dark Moon landscape, definitely not natural.
  • N.A.S.A. LUNAR ORBITER 5 Photo HR 1033, taken on the hidden side of the Moon, clearly shows a huge cylindrical shaped object appearing to be parked on the Moon with front section in an opening on the side of the crater at Mare Moscovience. There is no scientific geological explanation.
  • Apollo 15 photo 1512640 shows a reported mining operation at the Humboldt crater. 3 domes are shown inside the crater Archimedes.
The ancient Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Chaldeans, Phonecians, Assyrians, Aztecs, Mayans, Hindus, and Tibetans all left written records claiming they were contacted by ancient astronauts who taught them the basics of civilization, but not technology that could be used against the E.T.s. Modern historians do not tell us that because they believe the ancients were not telling the truth... with no documented evidence to PROVE the ancients made-up the histories.

There is a lot more evidence the ancients were telling the truth, based on the astronomical knowledge no primitive cultures could has possibly attained, artifacts and ruins only a modern technology could create, and the sudden appearance of the Egyptian civilization at its cultural peak with no prior history of evolving. There is a lot of documented proof.

Many scientists in 1990, as well as thorough archeologists-explorers like Robbert CharrouxEugenes SavoyWarren SmithPeter ColosimoDr. George Hunt Williamson, and many others in my files from the last few decades, say they’ve absolute scientific proof of ancient astronauts based on ancient writings, ruins, artifacts, and historical contradictions they have analyzed in painstaking investigations.

I have also talked to Farida Iskiovet of the United Nations U.F.O. investigation and 8 former army, navy or air force intelligence officers who had top secret security clearances, as well as former N.A.S.A officials, and our department interviewed some ex C.I.A. agents... who all say they know there were ancient astronauts influencing earlier cultures... and here is the bombshell... there is scientific proof of ancient nuclear warfare on Earth left by radiated ruins and skeletons, nuclear bomb craters on Earth from ancient times, and buildings and objects with that nuked look, as well as carbon-dating and radiation tests on these things. Is that tied into the nuclear bomb appearing Moon Craters?

And if ancient astronauts could get to Earth from other solar systems, it would be easier for them to get to our Moon because its thin atmosphere and absence of violent weather would make it much easier for construction and mining...not to mention its absence of large empires of hostile locals!

We have accumulated massive research indicating our Moon was colonized and explored by races from other planets, most notably in the Orion constellation, and that aliens called ZETANS from Zeta Reticuli are active there today. The Zetans have been analyzed by government psychologists to be, in ways, similar to Nazi scientists... technologically very advanced and materialistic, intellectual geniuses, yet lacking the kind of compassionate emotions and spiritual desires common with most people in our Earth nations.

To N.A.S.A, the Pentagon, the President and his top aids... that finding is a bit too scary to put on our six o’clock television news. If you think people might panic, you must first realize that the military officers who have been running the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies and a Secretary of Defense already HAVE panicked. If they can do that will all their military power, where do we stand? A chance?

There is also absolute scientific proof that the Zetans have forcibly abducted thousands of Americans, many who were used in bizarre Nazi-like genetic experiments. The locals on the Moon, from RigelBetelguese, the Barnard Star, and a planet orbiting Sirius, most known as “grays” but not all (some are blue, Nordic blondes, or orange or even pale white), are the ALLIANCE OF THE HOLY ...their capital planet reportedly TYRANTOR. They have been involved in a star wars empire intergalactic war for at least 50,000 years, during which they invaded on conquered planets in Rigel and enslaved many people, the star wars against the Lyrans and Vegans, and against the Sirians who would not join the ALLIANCE OF SIX.

Some of these star wars were fought on Earth in ancient times when colonies from different planets fought for our planet to try to take control. The Pleideansfrom planet Erra, humans from a spaceport on Venus, SethiansCentaurians and beings from the reported 12th planet in our system were involved in these battles on Earth and were mostly driven off the planet (except for remaining secret underground cities and bases all of those civilizations still have on Earth). TheZetans now have a spaceport on the hidden dark side of the Moon, and many underground cities there too. They also have scientific, military, and mining stations on the surface of the Moon. So Americans and Russians can’t just fly up there and plant their flags and say, “hey, this is ours!” (like they are used to doing after invading other countries on Earth).

Government agents have been forced to do everything they can theorize or scam on, to make it look like the Moon is a dead world impossible to inhabit. What they do not tell you is that ZETANS do not need an atmosphere like ours to breath because ZETANS do not have lungs. They do not need to irrigate and grow crops because Zetans have no digestive systems. They do not need to worry about being too hot or cold because they have incredibly thick tough skin... like reptiles only more extreme and much tougher... and are cold-blooded... the sun, heat, and cold on the Moon do not damage their skin.

In fact, they would DIE IN OUR EARTH ATMOSPHERE without a space suit, like they did after emerging from those crashed flying saucers... because our Earth atmosphere is poisonous to Zetans. The atmosphere in one of their planets, orbiting a dying red star sun, is composed of elements like sulfur and carbon monoxide... described by some scientists like the runaway greenhouse effect of out of control pollution Zetans would like on Earth for themselves. They cannot live on the surface of Earth without creating genetic sub-human hybrids in laboratories... part them and part us. So they live in underground cities in the United StatesSoviet UnionMoonMars and certain asteroids off Jupiter.

In ancient times a planet between Mars and Jupiter, Maldek, was destroyed and turned to asteroids by a nuclear war, allegedly from Zetanic influence. Mercuryhad a civilization and atmosphere and was destroyed by nuclear war, reportedly knocking it out of orbit sending it too close to the sun. MARS also had nuclear wars which reportedly destroyed its oceans, much of its atmosphere, forests, and farms (which were further devastated by a passing comet or asteroid).

We are fortunate such star wars did not destroy Earth after they set-off the global cataclysms that destroyed Atlantis, Lemuria, Rama, and other continents... and devastated civilizations in ancient Middle Eastern, Asian, and American Amazonian cultures, etc... We also have massive documented evidence that theN.A.S.A. SPACE PROGRAM is a public front and proof it is a public “disinformation agency”, and we have files of false contradictory statements it has made about the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, the Moon, etc.

There is another TOP SECRET military space program that is the REAL THING.


It is known to some as Alternative 3. it is not designed to serve the public. It is designed to RESCUE the elite of the President and his inner circle, the Joint Chiefs of Staff running the military, key corporate executives playing the secret game, key top scientists in on the scam, certain favored political leaders, directors of the secret intelligence agencies, and key members of secretive organizations with names like
and other “insiders” from that a “THINK TANK” of top scientists from many fields, concluded in the 1950s to 1960s, was an unavoidable series of world cataclysms that would destroy most of humanity by the year 2,000.

Included in this scenario was the great threat of nuclear war, runaway greenhouse effect, out-of-control pollution and over-population (running out of necessary natural resources), and cataclysmic earthquakes and tidal waves caused by the periodic historical proven shifts of the Earth’s axis, as well as a comet projected to come too close to Earth. The first two alternatives involved using scientific technology and world negotiations with leaders to stop those disasters, but the experts believed that would be hopeless; as well as going underground on Earth which was also considered a bad idea.

Alternative 3 was to develop a top secret insiders space program with Majority (MJ-12) as a secret interplanetary state department in the Pentagon, and secretly build underground spaceports to live in on Mars and the Moon and surface domed manufacturing, mining, communications, and other centers. The ALTERNATIVE 3 astronauts landed on the Moon and built their own bases many years BEFORE the FIRST APOLLO ASTRONAUTS landed on the Moon in 1969, as the result of a secret treaty between the Pentagon and the Zetans. The Zetans helped the Department of Majority colonize the Moon with secret bases, and in exchange the Pentagon’s Majority Department helped the ZETANS colonize the United States with their own secret underground bases. The Pentagondecided that co-operating with the ZETANS was a better idea than being invaded!

The Zetans showed the Pentagon scientists how to Construct nuclear and mercury powered saucers, as well as space shuttles, rockets, and other N.A.S.A. technology that was inferior to the anti-gravity magnetic powered saucers of the Zetans and thus at a military disadvantage. Of course, our Presidents did not want to go on the six o’clock news to talk about how they made a top secret treaty with a violent conquering foreign planet that in the past nuked the Earth people! Not a bad reason for a big secret.

The Pentagon’s secret saucers were also aided by captured NAZI rocket scientists who were testing saucers they got from the ZETANS instructors in 1944, when the Zetans had the NAZIS do their genetic experiments for them... much easier than abductions. The primitive saucers, rockets, and shuttles of the pentagon insiders, often mistaken for REAL U.F.O.S, made it to the Moon and Mars. In May 1962, a secret spacecraft from the Pentagon landed on Mars and video-taped it, and I have seen the actual video. It shows a Martian landscape far different than what N.A.S.A. showed us!

Mars had canals, lakes, green vegetation, swamps, and animal life on the surface, but N.A.S.A. the dis-information agency wants you to believe it is a dead world so you will not expect E.T.S live there! They have never shown the public most of the 2,000 photos they promised us with VIKING I. When the first Apollo astronauts landed on our Moon in 1969, they were shocked to find it already inhabited. Thousands of Americans, Soviets, British, French, and Australians were ALREADY LIVING THERE! Astronauts who discovered too much truth and were considered security risks died in those famous accidents in the shuttle or on the launch pad, etc.

Have you ever wondered why the HUBBLE, the most expensive and expertise telescope ever invented, was flawed so it would not take the kinds of photos it should produce? Do you really believe all those technological experts from prestigious universities with billions of dollars at their disposal could make such embarrassing idiot mistakes. Please, do not be so naive, if you so do. This was a planned accident because that telescope was too good. It would photograph things on the Moon and Mars and in orbit that the public astronomers are not supposed to see!

The footage of the American spacecraft landing on Mars BEFORE Apollo landed on the Moon leaked out in major public British TV for one evening, thanks to a smuggling scientist, before it was Censored and never made it to America. British authorities tried to call it a hoax to cover-up the leak, but it was no hoax. The only astronaut who has ever died outside of duty said it was the truth on video, and he was silenced. We have seen that interview too, as well as a secret video stewing the scientist who leaked that video being assassinated. A book exposing ALTERNATIVE 3 appeared in 1976 and was quickly forced out of print. I have read it. You can’t even order it, and the printers will not issue a new release in spite of a huge demand! Very strange to turn down that big profit. Not really.

On public FRANCE INTER TV on August 3rd, 1962, at 8:00 A.M., and also in the weekly magazine Le Meilleur, was another leaked that was covered up fast.Alain Ayache reported:
“why has no one Spoken of the mysterious message heard on the Moon---20 untranslatable words? Perhaps it proves that other men exist, something that N.A.S.A wished to hide...words which really sow the Seeds of panic. Everything was going well that day on our Moon, then at 11:15 an extraordinary fading occurred and contact with Houston was lost. Worden, who was in charge of telecommunications, had his attention drawn by a breathing sound and a long whistle. A sentence was constantly repeated on one note, varying from a small to a shrill tone, and from lightly stressed sounds to raucous exclamations. Luckily the transmission was recorded on Lem’s tape recorder, and Worden transmitted it to N.A.S.A. Here are the 8 separate words .......

Why did the Berlin Wall Come down so suddenly and unexpectedly with the cold war ending and enemies becoming friends? Did President Reagan give a clue at his speech at the 42nd session of the General General Assembly of the United Nations, on September 21, 1987, saying,
“in our obsessions with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget much unites the members of all humanity. Perhaps we need some OUTSIDE universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think that how quickly our differences world-wide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."

In Reagan’s speech on December 4, 1985, he stated,
“if suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet, we’d forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries.”
Soviet President Gorbachev publicly stated,
“At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the Earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the U.S. and Soviet Union would join forces to repel the invasion.”
(Feb. 6. 1987 in Soviet Life)
I ABSOLUTELY EMPHASIZE THAT YOU HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR OF THE ZETAN INVASION, AS THE UNITED CONFEDERATION OF PLANETS (the friendly aliens) plans to remove all of them from Earth in 1993! More details in another one of my documents, tapes, and lectures. THIS IS NOT FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Use common sense, wisdom, discretion in spreading this information, while avoiding skeptics, paranoid types, religious fanatics, and the emotionally unstable.

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