The Dome of the Rock
is an Islamic Shrine built over Jerusalem's Temple Mount
Eligael Gedalyovich, who released the first video of a UFO hovering over the Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem on January 28, 2011, claims to have found new video that reveals in greater detail the UFO that appeared that day.
Eligael claims to have been present during the filming of the very first video of the Dome of the Rock UFO which he posted to his Youtube channel. Another video soon emerged from a different source (Shshsh331) from another angle, and appeared to independently confirm the original video posted by Eligael. These first two videos have been widely viewed to be the most credible of the videos that have emerged so far of the Dome of the Rock UFO incident.
At least one of the subsequent videos that have emerged, has been concluded to be a fake intended to discredit the first two genuine videos. Now Eligael has posted 3 seconds of what he claims to be conclusive proof that the Dome of the Rock UFO was in fact an interplanetary extraterrestrial vehicle.
The new Eligael video shows what appears to be a large metallic shaped flying saucer hovering over the Dome of the Rock, and casting a light in the vicinity. In Eligael's original video, the UFO was descended over the Dome of the Rock and hovered for about 25 seconds, before quickly shooting up vertically.
The new video appears to be a close up of the UFO during the period it was hovering. Eligael claims that the new video is three minutes in total, and the three seconds released so far is a teaser of what's to come.
It appears with captions:
"Now the answer is clear" and "We are not alone."
Veteran Israeli UFO researcher Barry Chamish, was interviewed on the Kevin Smith show on February 4 about the Dome of the Rock UFO. He talked about the hundreds of witnesses and how the Israeli media and public is vigorously discussing the UFO sighting.
He said that he had absolute confidence in the authenticity of the first two videos and claims that Eligael is a credible source. His interview can be heard here: Chamish is one of the few UFO researchers that can speak with authority about UFO sightings in Israel.
These first two videos can be seen side by side and provide the context for the new video posted by Eligael.
The new video is bound to raise further controversy over what happened over the Dome of the Rock on January 28.
If the Dome of the Rock incident involved an interplanetary vehicle its significance cannot be underestimated. It is a site holy to the world's three major monotheistic religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity.
A UFO appearing over the Dome of the Rock may well have the principal function of uniting humanity in response to the imminent appearance of extraterrestrial life.
Alternatively, it may be setting the scene for a Second Coming type of event that some believe is part of a covert operation called Project Blue Beam using holographic technologies.
Was the UFO conducting a form of galactic diplomacy in preparing humanity for events that will point to the existence of extraterrestrial life? Or was it a scene setter for a contrived Second Coming and/or alien invasion?
One thing that is not in dispute is that soon after the January 28, Dome of the Rock incident, Hillary Clinton recalled up to 260 U.S. ambassadors from around the world to Washington DC for a one week conference that began on Monday, February 14.
The unprecedented diplomatic recall involved discussion of issues too sensitive even for the Top Secret diplomatic communication channels used by the State Department. It is worth pointing out that the Wikileaks material that has been released so far involves diplomatic cables classified below Top Secret (Secret and Confidential) that were widely shared between different U.S. bureaucracies.
In this writer's opinion, the State Department recall was related to forthcoming events with momentous global significance that far exceeded in scope the official agenda released to the U.S. media.
If the new video posted by Eligael is genuine and conclusive proof of the visitation of extraterrestrial life over one of humanity's most important religious sites, then it would qualify as the kind of global event that would have required secret discussions by the diplomatic elite of the U.S. in a highly secure environment.
If the new video posted by Eligael is genuine and conclusive proof of the visitation of extraterrestrial life over one of humanity's most important religious sites, then it would qualify as the kind of global event that would have required secret discussions by the diplomatic elite of the U.S. in a highly secure environment.
Eligael has given no date for when the rest of new video will be released.
If genuine, its contents may well change the world as we know it.
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